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1.11 Co powinienem zrobić, jeśli moje aktualne imię i/lub nazwisko jest inne od imienia i/lub nazwiska na dokumentach uzupełniających mój wniosek?

September 24, 2019

Należy przedstawić jeden z poniżej wymienionych dokumentów, w zależności od sytuacji:


1.11 Qué pasa si mi nombre actual es diferente al nombre que sale en documentos complementarios de mi reclamo.

September 24, 2019

Usted debe proveer uno de los siguientes documentos dependiendo de cuál le aplica a su circunstancia:


1.11 What if my current name is different from the name on documents in support of my claim?

September 24, 2019

You should provide one of the following documents based on your circumstances:

Messages from the Special Master

Message from Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya

September 6, 2019

Dear Friends

Today’s program statistics report for the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (“VCF”) reflects steady progress: as of August 31, 2019, we have made awards to 23,850 individuals, some more than once due to an amendment or appeal, totaling almost $5.6 billion in awards.


1.13 如果我根据《反对恐怖主义赞助者正义法案》(JASTA)参加诉讼,我还能向VCF提交索赔吗?

September 5, 2019




1.13 Jeśli biorę udziału w procesie sądowym na mocy ustawy JASTA (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act), czy mogę złożyć wniosek VCF?

September 5, 2019

Tak, osoby biorące udział w procesie sądowym na mocy ustawy JASTA mogą złożyć wniosek VCF. Patrz sekcja 405(c)(3)(C)(i), Ustawa Zadrogi, po aktualizacji (49 U.S.C. § 40101 adnotacja). Jakiekolwiek odszkodowania przyznane przez sąd lub uzyskane w ramach ugody będą traktowane jako należności ze źródeł dodatkowych i potrącone od odszkodowania przyznanego przez VCF.


1.13 ¿Puedo presentar un reclamo al VCF si participo en una demanda bajo la Ley de Justicia contra los Patrocinadores de Terrorismo (Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act, JASTA)?

September 5, 2019

Sí, si usted participa en una demanda en conformidad con la JASTA, aún puede presentar un reclamo al VCF. Vea la sección 405(c)(3)(C)(i), de la ley Zadroga, según enmendada (49 U.S.C. § 40101).    Cualquier compensación otorgada por el tribunal en la demanda u obtenida a través de un acuerdo del litigio se tratará como una compensación y se deducirá del cálculo de su indemnización del VCF.


1.13 If I participate in a lawsuit under the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism Act (JASTA), can I still file a VCF claim?

September 5, 2019

Yes, if you participate in a lawsuit under JASTA, you can still file a VCF claim.  See Section 405(c)(3)(C)(i), Zadroga Act, as amended (49 U.S.C. § 40101 note).  Any compensation awarded by the court in the lawsuit or obtained in a settlement of litigation will be treated as an offset and deducted from your VCF award. 


Collateral Offset Update Form

August 27, 2019
Updated form including instructions for notifying the VCF of new collateral offsets.
Associated Document:

Law Firm Meeting Notes

August 2, 2019

Notes posted from the July 31, 2019 VCF conference call with law firms.

Associated Document:
Messages from the Special Master

Message from Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya

July 29, 2019

Dear Friends,

On July 29, 2019, President Trump signed into law H.R. 1327, The Never Forget the Heroes: James Zadroga, Ray Pfeifer, and Luis Alvarez Permanent Authorization of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund ("VCF"). The VCF Permanent Authorization Act extends the VCF’s claim filing deadline from December 18, 2020, to October 1, 2090, and appropriates such funds as may be necessary to pay all approved claims.

Messages from the Special Master

Special Master Congressional Testimony

June 12, 2019

On June 11, 2019, the Special Master testified before the U.S. House of Representatives Judiciary Committee’s Subcommittee on The Constitution, Civil Rights, and Civil Liberties with regard to H.R. 1327, legislation to permanently extend authorization for the VCF. View her full testimony.


Law Firm Did You Know?

May 28, 2019

Second Edition Did You Know? document from Law Firm Outreach team posted.


Law Firm Meeting Notes

May 28, 2019

Notes posted from the May 21, 2019 VCF conference call with law firms.

Associated Document:

Claim Management System Update

May 6, 2019

Law Firm Tip Sheet posted for recent enhancements made to the Online Claims System.


Law Firm Did You Know?

March 25, 2019

Did You Know? document from Law Firm Outreach team posted.

Associated Document:

Claim Management System Update

March 25, 2019

Law Firm Tip Sheet posted for recent enhancements made to the Online Claims System.