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Email - Claims Management System Update

November 16, 2020

Email - Claims Management System Update - November 16, 2020


Updated: Compensation Decisions File and Definitions

October 19, 2020
The weekly Compensation Decisions file and associated definitions have been updated.
Associated Document:

Email - VCF Leadership Team

October 15, 2020

Email - VCF Leadership Team - October 15, 2020


Additional Claims Management System Resources

October 1, 2020
Additional instructions have been added to our Claims Management System resource page on how to access and navigate the system.

Update: Claims Management System Acceptable Use Policy

September 21, 2020
The Acceptable Use Policy for the Claims Management System has been updated to include Chrome in the list of supported browsers.

Email - VCF Claims Management System Update

September 21, 2020

Email - VCF Claims Management System Update - September 21, 2020


New FAQ regarding COVID-19-related cause of death translated

September 11, 2020
New FAQ regarding COVID-19-related cause of death translated to Spanish, Polish, and Chinese.

Updated VCF Overview Presentation

September 10, 2020
This presentation is for individuals who are filing a claim with the VCF, or for those who are interested in how the VCF operates.
Associated Document:

New FAQ regarding COVID-19-related cause of death

September 9, 2020
New FAQ 1.8 posted providing information on when the cause of death is COVID-19.

New "How to File a Claim" Instructions

September 4, 2020
New and improved "How to File a Claim" page content posted in English, Spanish, Polish, and Chinese.

Recent Registration and Claim Filing Deadline Updates Translated

August 27, 2020
Recent updates to our Registration and Claim Filing content, including updates to our FAQs, have been translated to Spanish, Polish, and Chinese.

Update: Registration and Claim Filing Deadlines

August 6, 2020
There are two deadlines in the VCF’s claim filing process: a Claim Filing Deadline and a Registration Deadline. It is important to distinguish between the two and be aware of which applies to your individual circumstances.

Update: Impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on VCF Operations

July 28, 2020
The VCF remains operational at this time, although we expect delays in all areas of claims processing. Please read the information below, and continue to check this website for updates.


July 28, 2020

Aktualizacja: Wpływ COVID-19 (Koronawirusa) na Działalność Funduszu VCF

July 28, 2020
Fundusz VCF kontynuuje obecnie działalność, choć można się spodziewać opóźnień w rozpatrywaniu wniosków. Prosimy o przeczytanie poniższych informacji, dostosowanie się do zaleceń oraz o sprawdzanie naszej strony w celu otrzymania aktualnych wiadomości.

Nuevo: Impacto del COVID-19 (Coronavirus) en las Operaciones del VCF

July 28, 2020
El VCF permanece operacional hasta el momento, aunque anticipamos retrasos en todas las áreas del procesamiento de reclamos. Por favor lea la información a continuación, y continúe chequeando nuestra página web para actualizaciones.

VCF Hard Copy Claim Form

June 15, 2020
Updated hard copy claim form for those without the ability to submit their claim via our online claims management system.
Associated Document:

Update: Impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on VCF Operations

April 2, 2020
Clarification regarding deadlines for those waiting for an appointment with the WTC Health Program. (NOTE: if you received a letter from the VCF requesting proof of a certified condition, and you are still waiting for an appointment with the WTC Health Program, the 60-day deadline in the letter does not apply during this time. Your claim will remain inactive until you notify the VCF that you have been certified.)

Nuevo: Impacto del COVID-19 (Coronavirus) en las Operaciones del VCF

April 2, 2020
El VCF permanece operacional hasta el momento, aunque anticipamos retrasos en todas las áreas del procesamiento de reclamos. Por favor lea la información a continuación, y continúe chequeando nuestra página web para actualizaciones.


April 2, 2020





Aktualizacja: Wpływ COVID-19 (Koronawirusa) na Działalność Funduszu VCF

April 2, 2020
Fundusz VCF kontynuuje obecnie działalność, choć można się spodziewać opóźnień w rozpatrywaniu wniosków. Prosimy o przeczytanie poniższych informacji, dostowanie się do zaleceń oraz o sprawdzanie naszej strony w celu otrzymania aktualnych wiadomości.

Email - VCF Website Update April 2020

April 2, 2020

Email - VCF Website Update - April 02, 2020


Update: Impact of COVID-19 (Coronavirus) on VCF Operations

March 31, 2020
Important updates regarding VCF operations.

Email - VCF Website Update March 2020

March 31, 2020

Email - VCF Website Update - March 31, 2020