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Email – VCF Process Update – February 23, 2024

February 23, 2024
Email – VCF Process Update – February 23, 2024
Associated Document:

Email – Process Change re_Appeal Hearing Transcript Requests

February 16, 2024
Email – Process Change re_Appeal Hearing Transcript Requests – February 16, 2024

Email – Reminder of USVSST Policy

February 13, 2024
Email – Reminder of USVSST Policy – February 13, 2024
Messages from the Special Master

A Message from the Special Master

February 12, 2024

I was very proud to step into the role of Special Master in March 2023, particularly as a native New Yorker and someone who was raised to respect and value public service. In the months since, I have been struck by many things that I hadn’t fully anticipated – chief among them the need to inform the public about the VCF and to ensure that every person who might be eligible for a VCF award is aware of the program and has the resources and support they need to register and file a claim.


VCF 2023 Annual Report

February 12, 2024

This report summarizes the VCF’s 12th year of operation, and focuses on the significant changes, challenges, and achievements of 2023. With the appointment of permanent Special Master Allison Turkel in March, the VCF began a new era of leadership, continuing to focus on the needs of the 9/11 community and building the tools to support the program’s longevity. The Fund hit new milestones, awarding $12.8 billion to over 56,600 claimants since re-opening in October 2011. In addition, in 2023 the VCF decided more claims and issued more award dollars than in any previous year.

Associated Document:

Email – Replacement Services Policy – February 1, 2024

February 1, 2024

Email – Replacement Services Policy – February 1, 2024


Document Checklist - Deceased Victim Claim

February 1, 2024
Updated Document Checklist for Deceased claims.
Associated Document:

Document Checklist - Personal Injury

February 1, 2024
Updated Document Checklist for Personal Injury claims.

January 2024 Monthly Statistics Report

January 31, 2024

Statistics as of January 31, 2024

Associated Document:

How to File an Amendment

December 18, 2020
Associated Document:

November 2020 Monthly Statistics Report

December 8, 2020
Statistics as of November 30, 2020.

Email - Claims Management System Update

November 16, 2020

Email - Claims Management System Update - November 16, 2020


October 2020 Monthly Statistics Report

November 9, 2020
Statistics as of October 31, 2020.

Updated: Compensation Decisions File and Definitions

October 19, 2020
The weekly Compensation Decisions file and associated definitions have been updated.
Associated Document:

Email - VCF Leadership Team

October 15, 2020

Email - VCF Leadership Team - October 15, 2020


September 2020 Monthly Statistics Report

October 13, 2020
Statistics as of September 30, 2020.

Additional Claims Management System Resources

October 1, 2020
Additional instructions have been added to our Claims Management System resource page on how to access and navigate the system.

Email - VCF Claims Management System Update

September 21, 2020

Email - VCF Claims Management System Update - September 21, 2020


Update: Claims Management System Acceptable Use Policy

September 21, 2020
The Acceptable Use Policy for the Claims Management System has been updated to include Chrome in the list of supported browsers.

New FAQ regarding COVID-19-related cause of death translated

September 11, 2020
New FAQ regarding COVID-19-related cause of death translated to Spanish, Polish, and Chinese.
Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Special Master on the 19th Anniversary of the September 11th Attacks

September 11, 2020
Dear Friends: This year, as we commemorate the 19th anniversary of the September 11th attacks, we do so with even heavier hearts as we see the added struggle of those with 9/11-related health conditions, and the particularly severe impact of COVID-19 in New York. We realize that in the months ahead, we are likely to see claims on behalf of those who have a 9/11-related condition and have suffered or died as a result of COVID-19. I want to take this opportunity to assure the 9/11 community that, as with all claims, we will review each case on its own facts in view of the laws governing the VCF. We have posted to our website a specific FAQ that explains how the VCF will evaluate claims where COVID-19 may have been a factor in an individual’s death, and we will be updating this information as needed.

Updated VCF Overview Presentation

September 10, 2020
This presentation is for individuals who are filing a claim with the VCF, or for those who are interested in how the VCF operates.
Associated Document:

August 2020 Monthly Statistics Report

September 10, 2020
VCF Program Statistics as of August 31, 2020.

1.8 Si un individuo con una condición elegible relacionada al 11/9 fallece, y el certificado de defunción pone COVID-19 como la causa de muerte, esto afectará la evaluación del VCF como un reclamo de fallecido presentado a nombre de la víctima?

September 9, 2020

La ley que gobierna el VCF requiere que, para ser elegible para compensación, la víctima debe haber sufrido un daño físico o muerte como resultado de los ataques terroristas, o la remoción y limpieza de escombros inmediatamente después de los ataques del 11 de septiembre de 2001. El VCF generalmente evalúa el certificado de defunción para ver la causa de muerte.