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Program News

2024 | 2023 | 2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015
Resource | Communications to Law Firms

Email - VCF Correspondence and Appeal Deadlines and Other Website Updates

October 1, 2021

Email - VCF Correspondence and Appeal Deadlines and Other Website Updates - October 1, 2021

Resource | Communications to Law Firms

Email - Important Updates VCF Outgoing Correspondence and Appeal Deadlines

September 16, 2021

Email - Important Updates VCF Outgoing Correspondence and Appeal Deadlines - September 16, 2021

Report | Special

20th Anniversary Special Report

September 7, 2021
To commemorate the 20th anniversary of September 11th, the VCF has released this Special Report, which offers perspectives on the history of the VCF, from its creation in 2001 immediately following the attacks, to its permanent status today, with an emphasis on accomplishments and a glimpse into our future plans.
Associated Document(s):
Resource | Communications to Law Firms

Email - VCF Releases Special Report to Commemorate 20th Anniversary of 9-11

September 7, 2021

Email - VCF Releases Special Report to Commemorate 20th Anniversary of 9-11 - September 07, 2021

Resource | Communications to Law Firms

Email - New VCF Client Authorization Form for Payments Made to Law Firm Accounts and August Monthly Statistics Report

September 3, 2021

Email - New VCF Client Authorization Form for Payments Made to Law Firm Accounts and August Monthly Statistics Report - September 03, 2021

Report | Monthly

August 2021 Monthly Statistics Report

September 3, 2021
Statistics as of August 31, 2021
Associated Document(s):
Resource | Forms

Client Authorization Form

September 2, 2021
Associated Document(s):
Resource | Communications to Law Firms

Email - Important Update Changes Related to Missing Information Requests

August 23, 2021

Email - Important Update Changes Related to Missing Information Requests - August 23, 2021

Resource | Communications to Law Firms

Email - Updated Change of Attorney Form and VCF Website Update

August 6, 2021

Email - Updated Change of Attorney Form and VCF Website Update - August 06, 2021

Resource | Forms

Change of Attorney

August 6, 2021
Change log: Updated form includes new language authorizing the VCF to communicate directly with a claimant’s new attorney.
Associated Document(s):
Report | Monthly

July 2021 Monthly Statistics Report

August 5, 2021
Statistics as of July 31, 2021
Associated Document(s):
Resource | Communications to Law Firms

Email - Important Updates Regarding VCF Correspondence and Appeal Deadlines

August 3, 2021

Email - Important Updates Regarding VCF Correspondence and Appeal Deadlines - August 3, 2021


2.2 What is registration? How do I register with the VCF and what is my registration deadline?

July 30, 2021

Registration is the first step in the claim filing process and it simply preserves your right to file a claim in the future.  You do not waive any legal rights when you register, and registering does not obligate you to file a claim.  Registration serves only to alert the VCF that you may be a potential claimant; and it meets the legal requirement of timeliness set forth in the law.  Registration Deadlines vary based on claim type and individual circumstances. 


2.7 Po dokonaniu rejestracji, jaki jest termin składania wniosków? (Dodano: 6 sierpnia 2020 r.)

July 30, 2021

Podczas gdy Terminy Rejestracji zależą od rodzaju wniosku i okoliczności indywidualnych, termin składania wniosków jest taki sam dla wszystkich. Wniosek musi być złożony przed 1 października 2090 roku.

Resource | General Information

FAQ Updates July 30, 2021

July 30, 2021
Noteworthy updates were made to Frequently Asked Questions - Section 2: Registration and Other Deadlines.

2.4 Jeśli nie jestem chory, czy mogę zarejestrować się? (Dodano: 30 lipca 2021 r.)

July 30, 2021

Tak. Rejestrację można złożyć cały czas – można to zrobić online lub dzwoniąc pod numer naszej Linii Pomocy 1-855-885-1555. Rejestrując się, zachowujesz swoje prawo do złożenia wniosku w przyszłości. Rejestracja nie zobowiązuje do złożenia wniosku w przyszłości, ale jeśli go złożysz, musisz zarejestrować się w Terminie Rejestracji odpowiednim dla Ciebie w celu uzyskania odszkodowania. Z tego powodu, zachęcamy wszystkich do złożenia rejestracji teraz, nawet jeśli nie jest się chorym.


2.7 Once I have registered, what is the deadline to file my claim?

July 30, 2021

While Registration Deadlines vary depending on claim type and individual circumstances, the deadline to file a claim is the same for everyone.  Your claim must be filed by October 1, 2090


2.5 我听说向VCF注册的截止日期曾是2021年7月29日。如果我在2021年7月29日之后注册会怎样?(更新日期:2021年7月30日)

July 30, 2021



Resource | Policies and Procedures

Updated: Policies and Procedures - July 30, 2021

July 30, 2021

The following updates to VCF’s Policies and Procedures were posted today:


1.12 我认为产品制造商或医生促成、导致或加剧了我的与9/11有关的病情(或促成或导致已故受害者的死亡)。我可以起诉该制造商或医生并仍然能参与VCF吗?

July 30, 2021

不可以。针对产品制造商的产品责任的诉讼,或针对医生的医疗事故的诉讼,是基于这样的法律理论:即该产品或医生导致、促成或加剧了与 9/11 相关的病情。这些类型的诉讼属于法律规定的豁免所适用的诉讼条款范围,而VCF是根据该法规运作的。这意味着:为了有资格获得赔偿,当您提交您的 VCF 索赔时,必须放弃参与此类诉讼的权利,并且必须满足 VCF的《 政策与程序》第 1.3 节 规定的和解和撤诉截止日期。

请注意,因为VCF 是诉讼替代项目,所以特别不鼓励任何解决诉讼的行动。如果您在适用期限之后,在豁免权适用的诉讼案中达成和解,即使您在您提起或和解诉讼时没有被诊断出或证明患有涵盖的病情,您将没有资格获得 VCF 赔偿。虽然 VCF 可以在适当的情况下对未及时撤诉的案件进行例外处理。但根据其法律规定,它不能对未及时和解的案件进行例外处理。


2.5 ¿Qué pasa si registro mi reclamo después del 29 de julio del 2021?

July 30, 2021

Si usted se registra con el VCF después del 29 de julio de 2021, su registro se considerará a tiempo  siempre y cuando cumpla con el plazo para registrarse que le aplique.

La fecha límite del 29 de julio de 2021, le aplicará únicamente a los individuos que se les pasó el plazo previo.


1.12 I think that a product manufacturer or a doctor contributed to, caused, or exacerbated my 9/11-related condition (or contributed to or caused the death of a deceased victim). Can I sue the manufacturer or the doctor and still participate in the VCF?

July 30, 2021

No.  A lawsuit against a product manufacturer for product liability, or against a doctor for medical malpractice, is based on the legal theory that it was the product or the doctor that caused, contributed to, or exacerbated the 9/11-related condition.  These types of lawsuits fall within the terms of the lawsuit waiver set out in the statute under which the VCF operates.  This means that in order to be eligible for compensation, when you file your VCF claim, you must waive your right to participate in these types of lawsuits and must meet the settlement and dismissal deadlines set forth in

Resource | General Information

Registration and Claim Filing Deadlines Updates

July 30, 2021
The Registration and Claim Filing Deadlines webpage has been updated to reflect the timeliness policy following the end of the two-year registration deadline “grace period.”

2.4 如果我现在没生病,还能注册吗? (添加日期:2021年7月30日)

July 30, 2021



2.4 What if I’m not sick, can I still register? (Added: July 30, 2021)

July 30, 2021

Yes. You can register with the VCF at any time – either online, or by calling our Helpline at 1-855-885-1555.  By registering, you preserve your right to file a claim in the future. Although registration does not obligate you to file a claim in the future, if you do file a claim, you must have registered with the VCF by your applicable Registration Deadline in order to be eligible for compensation.  For this reason, we encourage everyone to register now even if you are not sick.