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Email – VCF Policy Update Payments and Compensation Appeals – September 14, 2023

September 14, 2023

Email – VCF Policy Update Payments and Compensation Appeals – September 14, 2023

Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Special Master on the 22nd Anniversary of the September 11th Attacks

September 11, 2023
Dear Friends, It has been 22 years since the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the United States. In thinking about my message on this day of commemoration, that number seemed particularly important. Out of curiosity, I checked. And while I am by no means an advocate of numerology, I found it interesting that the number 22 is thought to represent a sense of diplomacy and cooperation, combined with stability, hard work, and practicality.

Email – A message from the Special Master – September 8, 2023

September 8, 2023

Email – A message from the Special Master – September 8, 2023


6.3 When can I expect to receive payment and will the payment be pro-rated?

September 1, 2023

The VCF does not pro-rate payments. Your claim will be paid in full for the calculated loss amount at the time the payment is processed.  


6.1 What if my bank account or address has changed since my last payment?

September 1, 2023

If you have already received at least one payment from the VCF and your banking information has changed since the last payment was processed, you must complete a new ACH Payment Information Form and upload it to your online claim as quickly as possible.  When uploading the new ACH form, you should include a letter stating that the new form should replace the banking information currently associated with your claim. If your address has changed, please call our Helpline at 1-855-885-1555 for assistance in updating our records.


4.2 What should I do if I do not intend to appeal the decision on my claim?

September 1, 2023

If you do not intend to appeal, you do not need to do anything. If the VCF sent you an award letter, we will begin processing any applicable payment on your claim. If you received a letter notifying you that your claim was denied, it will remain in that status.  If in the future you have new information to submit to the VCF that you believe may change the eligibility decision on your claim, you may amend your claim.  


4.1 How do I appeal the decision on my claim?

September 1, 2023

An appeal can be filed within 30 days after the VCF has notified you of the eligibility or compensation decision on your claim. You may appeal only if your eligibility denial letter or award letter includes an Appeal Request Form.

If you intend to appeal the decision on your claim, there are specific steps you must take and specific deadlines that apply. Your eligibility denial or award letter will include detailed information about how to appeal the decision.


August 2023 Monthly Statistics Report

August 31, 2023

Statistics as of August 31, 2023

Associated Document:

Email – Quarterly Update - Premature and Insufficient Claims Report – August 16, 2023

August 16, 2023

Email – Quarterly Update - Premature and Insufficient Claims Report – August 16, 2023


Email – VCF Non-Economic Loss Award and Certified Conditions Fact Sheet and Website Updates

August 4, 2023

Email – VCF Non-Economic Loss Award and Certified Conditions Fact Sheet and Website Updates


Letters of Administration with Limitations

August 4, 2023

Change Log: August 4, 2023: Policy updated regarding NY LOA processing and payment. Footnote 1 updated to reflect current NY State legislation.


Associated Document:

July 2023 Monthly Statistics Report

July 31, 2023

Statistics as of July 31, 2023

Associated Document:

Non-Economic Loss Awards and Certified Conditions Fact Sheet

July 31, 2023

Non-Economic Loss Awards and Certified Conditions Fact Sheet



July 20, 2023

Change Log:

July 20, 2023: updated to reflect that Special Master PR Appointment requests do not need to be notarized. Requests only need to be sworn under the penalty of perjury.

Adding sworn statement.

Associated Document:

Powołanie Zarządcy Spadku

July 20, 2023

Change Log:

July 20, 2023: updated to reflect that Special Master PR Appointment requests do not need to be notarized. Requests only need to be sworn under the penalty of perjury.

Adding sworn statement.

Associated Document:

Designación del Representante Personal

July 20, 2023

Change Log:

July 20, 2023: updated to reflect that Special Master PR Appointment requests do not need to be notarized. Requests only need to be sworn under the penalty of perjury.

Adding sworn statement.

Associated Document:

信息与说明: 如果索赔人在提交人身伤害索赔后死亡,需要采取的步骤

July 20, 2023

Change Log:

July 20, 2023: Updated to include that NYSLRS will only accept original or court certified Letters of Administration.

Removed all instances of “original” or “certified” copy.

Associated Document:

Informacje i instrukcje: Kroki, jakie należy wykonać w przypadku śmierci wnioskodawcy po złożeniu przez niego wniosku dla osób z uszkodzeniem ciała

July 20, 2023

Change Log:

July 20, 2023: Updated to include that NYSLRS will only accept original or court certified Letters of Administration.

Removed all instances of “original” or “certified” copy.

Associated Document:

Información e Instrucciones: Pasos que se deben tomar cuando el reclamante muere después de haber presentado su reclamación

July 20, 2023

Change Log:

July 20, 2023: Updated to include that NYSLRS will only accept original or court certified Letters of Administration.

Removed all instances of “original” or “certified” copy.

Associated Document:

VCF 一般信息

July 20, 2023

Change Log:

July 20, 2023: updated text with more information regarding debris removal eligibility.

Associated Document:

Podstawowe Informacje o Funduszu VCF

July 20, 2023

Change Log:

July 20, 2023: updated text with more information regarding debris removal eligibility.

Associated Document:

VCF Información General

July 20, 2023

Change Log:

July 20, 2023: updated text with more information regarding debris removal eligibility.

Associated Document:

Email – Special Circumstances Review for a Lung Transplant and Routes of Debris Removal Clarification – July 7, 2023

July 7, 2023

Email – Special Circumstances Review for a Lung Transplant and Routes of Debris Removal Clarification – July 7, 2023


June 2023 Monthly Statistics Report

June 30, 2023

Statistics as of June 30, 2023

Associated Document: