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WTC Health Program Disability Evaluation Process

July 12, 2018
The VCF has worked with the WTC Health Program to implement a disability evaluation process, which is designed to help provide qualifying claimants with a disability determination for an eligible condition in order to support an economic loss award in a VCF claim.
Associated Document:

NYCERS and NYSLRS Pension Worksheet

June 4, 2018
Submit with your claim if the victim worked for an agency that is a part of NYCERS or NYSLRS and is claiming loss of pension benefits.

Law Firm Meeting Notes

May 2, 2018

Notes posted from the April 25, 2018 VCF conference call with law firms.

Associated Document:

Claim Management System Update

March 19, 2018

Law Firm Tip Sheet posted for recent enhancements made to the Online Claims System.


7.4 I live outside the continental Unites States. Do I need to go to the WTC Health Program to have my condition certified for treatment?

February 1, 2018

No. As a foreign resident, living outside the U.S., you are able to have your conditions verified through our Private Physician process. You should complete the Private Physician forms either as part of your online claim submission or by using the forms on our website. The VCF will work directly with the WTC Health Program to verify your condition(s) as eligible for compensation.

If you have questions about your particular situation, please contact the Helpline at 1-855-885-1555.


7.5 Yo resido fuera de los Estados Unidos. ¿Necesito ir al Programa de Salud del WTC para obtener mi condición certificada para tratamiento?

February 1, 2018

No. Al residir en el extranjero, fuera de los Estados Unidos, usted puede utilizar nuestro proceso de Médico Privado para verificar su condición o condiciones. Usted tendrá que completar los formularios de Médico Privado cuando esté completando su reclamo en línea, el formulario está disponible en nuestra página web. El VCF trabajará directamente con el Programa de Salud del WTC para verificar su condición o condiciones elegibles para compensación.


7.5 Mieszkam poza Stanami Zjednoczonymi. Czy ja tez musze skierować się do Programu Zdrowia WTC w celu kwalifikacji do objęcia leczeniem?

February 1, 2018

Nie. Mieszkaniec innego kraju na stale przebywający poza Stanami Zjednoczonymi może mieć uszczerbek na zdrowiu uznany przez proces weryfikacji lekarza prywatnego. Prosimy o wypełnienie Formularza Weryfikacji Lekarza Prywatnego podczas wypełniania formularzu wniosku lub wykorzystując formularz dostępny na naszej stronie. VCF przy współpracy z Programem Zdrowia WTC uzna Państwa uszczerbek na zdrowiu jako uprawniający do otrzymania odszkodowania.


7.5 我住在美国大陆以外的地方。我需要去WTC健康项目对我的疾病进行治疗认证吗?

February 1, 2018




Law Firm Meeting Notes

December 19, 2014

Notes from December 15, 2014 VCF conference call with law firms posted.

Associated Document:

Law Firm Meeting Notes and Medical Expense Worksheet.

November 7, 2014

Notes from November 3, 2014 VCF conference call with law firms and new Medical Expense Worksheet posted.

Associated Document:

Law Firm Meeting Notes

September 18, 2014

Notes from September 15, 2014 VCF conference call with law firms posted.

Associated Document:

Law Firm Reminders

August 15, 2014

Important reminders for law firms posted.


Law Firm Training

May 16, 2014

 Materials reviewed at the May 14, 2014 Claims Management System training for Law Firm Users.


Associated Document:

CMS Enhancements

May 5, 2014

Updates made to the Claims Management System:

  • New functionality available to Amend Claims.
  • Update made so that Claimant Search will no longer show the default claim if "Enter" is clicked when searching.
  • Online claim forms updated to include Prostate Cancer and revised WTC Health Program definitions of Rare Cancer and Childhood Cancer.

Law Firm Meeting Notes

April 2, 2014

Materials reviewed at the March 26, 2014 law firm meeting:


Important Reminders for Law Firms

October 23, 2013

Updated important reminders for law firms (originally posted on June 17, 2013).


Exhibit A

October 1, 2013
Authorization for release of medical records. Exhibit A must be mailed to the VCF with original signatures.
Associated Document:

Exhibit A - Deceased Individuals

October 1, 2013
Authorization for release of medical records. Exhibit A must be mailed to the VCF with original signatures.
Associated Document:

Exhibit E

October 1, 2013
Notice of Filing for Deceased Individuals
Associated Document:

Compensation Decisions

October 1, 2013
This weekly report provides general information regarding each individual award determination issued by the VCF.
Associated Document:

CMS Enhancements

September 11, 2013

Information for Law Firms page updated with important information regarding enhancements to the Claims Management System.


Law Firm Reminders

June 17, 2013

Information for Law Firms page updated with important reminders.


Updated Form

May 14, 2013

New Fillable PDF files posted: Certification for Compensation Form.