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February 2022 Monthly Statistics Report

February 28, 2022

Statistics as of February 28, 2022

Associated Document:

Email - VCF Website Update, Message from the Special Master - February 24, 2022

February 24, 2022

Email - VCF Website Update, Message from the Special Master - February 24, 2022

Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Special Master – Kimberly (Kim) C. Brown Joins the VCF as the Director of Operations

February 24, 2022

Kimberly (Kim) C. Brown has joined the VCF as the Director of Operations. In this new position, Kim will focus on overseeing the VCF’s day-to-day operations in areas such as the Helpline and the processing of hard copy mail, identifying opportunities for innovation as the VCF continues to move into its long-term status stemming from the passage of the VCF Permanent Authorization Act.

Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Special Master - Tenth Annual Status Report

February 9, 2022

The VCF successfully navigated another highly productive year in 2021, in a year that saw not one but two significant anniversaries: the 10th anniversary of the passage of the Zadroga Act, which created in the VCF, in January, and then the solemn reminder months later that twenty years have passed since the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.


VCF 2021 Annual Report

February 9, 2022

The VCF released its tenth Annual Report, which details how the VCF team successfully navigated challenges in addition to those created by COVID-19,  maintained steady productivity, and completed another successful year in service to the 9/11 community, awarding nearly $1.5 billion, in 2021.

In commemoration of the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the report features an array of images of memorials and monuments created around the world to honor those whose lives were forever impacted by the events of September 11, 2001.

Associated Document:

January 2022 Monthly Statistics Report

February 3, 2022

Statistics as of January 31, 2022


December 2021 Monthly Statistics Report

January 6, 2022

Statistics as of December 31, 2021


Claim Management System Update

December 1, 2016

Law Firm Tip Sheet for recent enhancements made to the Online Claims System.


Law Firm Meeting Notes

November 22, 2016

Notes posted from November 16, 2016 VCF conference call with law firms.

Associated Document:

6.4 我的赔款中是否会扣除来自其他来源(例如退伍军人事务部、纽约市员工退休制度等)的残疾抚恤金?

November 10, 2016

是的,如果赔款是与 9/11相关且符合条件的疾病导致的残疾有关。该法规要求VCF从您的赔款中扣除您正在领取或有资格领取的、与您符合资格的身体健康状况相关的任何残疾抚恤金。如果您因疾病正领取残疾抚恤金,而根据VCF这些疾病是不符合条件的,那么这些金额不会从您的赔款中扣除。


6.4 Czy renty inwalidzkie z innych źródeł (np. Veterans Affairs, NYCERs itp.) zostaną potrącone z przyznanego odszkodowania?

November 10, 2016

Tak, jeśli renta przysługuje z tytułu niepełnosprawności na skutek uszczerbku na zdrowiu związanego z 11 września. Ustawa wymaga potrącenia przez VCF rent, które Państwo otrzymują lub są uprawnieni do otrzymywania w związku z uszczerbkiem na zdrowiu uprawniającym do otrzymania odszkodowania. Jeśli otrzymywana renta przysługuje z tytułu niepełnosprawności w związku z uszczerbkiem na zdrowiu niedopuszczonym przez VCF, kwoty te nie zostaną potrącone od odszkodowania.


6.4 ¿Los pagos por discapacidad de otras fuentes (tales como Asuntos de Veteranos, NYCERS), etc.) serán deducidos de mi indemnización?

November 10, 2016

Sí, si los pagos están relacionados con su discapacidad por una condición elegible relacionada al 9/11. La ley exige que el VCF deduzca de su indemnización cualquier beneficio por discapacidad que usted esté recibiendo, o tenga derecho a recibir, relacionado con sus condiciones físicas de salud elegibles. Si está recibiendo pagos de discapacidad por condiciones que no son elegibles para el VCF, esos montos no se deducirán de su indemnización.


6.4 Are disability payments from other sources (such as Veterans Affairs, NYCERs, etc.) deducted from my award?

November 10, 2016

Yes, if the payments are related to your disability from an eligible 9/11-related condition. The statute requires that the VCF offset from your award any disability benefits you are receiving, or entitled to receive, related to your eligible physical health conditions. If you are receiving disability payments for conditions that are not eligible under the VCF, those amounts will not be deducted from your award.

Messages from the Special Master

VCF Leadership Team announcement - Deputy Special Master Deborah Greenspan departs VCF

November 7, 2016

Effective November 3, 2016, Deborah Greenspan concluded her service as Deputy Special Master. Debby was instrumental to the success of the VCF from the time the initial program was enacted in 2001, through the reopening in 2011 and the recent reauthorization in 2015. Over the years, Debby brought her tremendous expertise and commitment to the victims of 9/11 to ensure a claims process that is transparent, equitable, and carefully considers the individual circumstances of each and every claim.


Law Firm Meeting Notes

October 7, 2016

Notes posted from September 26, 2016 VCF meeting with law firms.

Associated Document:
Messages from the Special Master

A Message from Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya

September 9, 2016

Dear Friends,

As we approach the anniversary of the September 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the work that the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (“VCF”) has accomplished since its reopening in 2011, and to update you on our plans regarding the work that remains to do.

Messages from the Special Master

Message from Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya - Program Updates

August 24, 2016

Dear Friends,

It has been exactly one month since I officially joined the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (“VCF”). In that time, I have had the opportunity to immerse myself in the workings of the VCF and begin developing plans for the future so that we can meet the goal of processing claims in a thoughtful way, but without unnecessary delay. I am pleased to report that we are well on our way to meeting the immediate goals that I set when I joined the program last month.


Reauthorization Timeline

August 24, 2016
Reauthorization Timeline as of August 24, 2016.
Associated Document:
Messages from the Special Master

来自特别监察官 Rupa Bhattacharyya 的消息 - 介绍和项目更新

August 1, 2016

自从我开始担任 9/11 受害者赔偿基金(“VCF”)的特别监察官以来,我始终怀着深深的谦卑感。《扎德罗伽法案》于 2010 年通过并在 2015 年 12 月获得再次批准,我非常钦佩 VCF 团队在 Sheila Birnbaum 的坚定带领下所取得的显著进展。我在就任时也清楚意识到继续此项工作的紧迫性,这样才能快速、高效地处理索 赔,为遭受 2001 年 9/11 恐怖袭击的受害者提供全额赔偿。在过去五年中,Sheila 致力于设计、实施并运营一个公正透明的项目,此项目切合索赔者的需求和担忧,我在此对她展现的同情心和所作 的贡献表示感谢。我们现处于过渡阶段,我已向 VCF 员工清晰说明我们的第一要务是处理并支付索赔,与此同时需要考虑周全,并避免不必要的拖延。   我已经详细了解项目的最新进展,并将全力推进项目发展。

接下来,我非常高兴地宣布我们所取得的重大进展。首先,我们在支付 A 组索赔与评估、裁决 B 组索赔方面建立了新的里程碑。

Messages from the Special Master

Wiadomość od Syndyka Rupa Bhattacharyya – Wprowadzenie i aktualizacje programu

August 1, 2016

Drodzy Przyjaciele, 

Messages from the Special Master

Mensaje del Auxiliar Judicial Rupa Bhattacharyya - Introducción y Actualizaciones del Programa

August 1, 2016

Queridos amigos: 

Messages from the Special Master

Message from Special Master Rupa Bhattacharyya - Introduction and Program Updates

August 1, 2016

Dear Friends,


CMS Guidance

August 1, 2016

Guidance for claims started or submitted using the old system.

Associated Document: