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January 2023 Monthly Statistics Report

January 31, 2023

Statistics as of January 31, 2023

Associated Document:

3.4 The WTC Health Program announced the addition of Uterine Cancer to the list of covered cancer conditions effective January 18, 2023. Can I receive compensation for my Uterine Cancer if it is newly certified by the WTC Health Program and I already file

January 18, 2023

Yes.  As of January 18, 2023, all Uterine Cancers, including endometrial cancers, have been added to the List of WTC-related Health Conditions, and are therefore eligible for compensation from the VCF, as long as all other eligibility requirements are met.

If your claim was previously denied because you did not have an eligible condition, and your Uterine or endometrial cancer is certified by the WTC Health Program, you may amend your claim.  The VCF will review the new information and notify you of the outcome of our review. 


Email - Cancellation of Registration-Only Claims for Victims with Multiple Claim Numbers - January 12, 2023

January 12, 2023

Email - Cancellation of Registration-Only Claims for Victims with Multiple Claim Numbers - January 12, 2023

Messages from the Special Master

A message from Special Master Sheila Birnbaum - VCF Program Update

October 23, 2013

October 3, 2013 was an important registration deadline for the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Anyone who was diagnosed with a 9/11-related condition on or before October 3, 2011 for which they intend to seek compensation from the VCF must have registered with the Fund by the October 3, 2013 deadline.


Important Reminders for Law Firms

October 23, 2013

Updated important reminders for law firms (originally posted on June 17, 2013).


Compensation Decisions

October 1, 2013
This weekly report provides general information regarding each individual award determination issued by the VCF.
Associated Document:

Exhibit E

October 1, 2013
Notice of Filing for Deceased Individuals
Associated Document:

Exhibit A - Deceased Individuals

October 1, 2013
Authorization for release of medical records. Exhibit A must be mailed to the VCF with original signatures.
Associated Document:

Exhibit A

October 1, 2013
Authorization for release of medical records. Exhibit A must be mailed to the VCF with original signatures.
Associated Document:

CMS Enhancements

September 11, 2013

Information for Law Firms page updated with important information regarding enhancements to the Claims Management System.

Messages from the Special Master

A message from Special Master, Sheila Birnbaum

August 5, 2013

I am pleased to announce the appointment of Patricia G. Houser as the Fund’s Director of Operations.


Law Firm Reminders

June 17, 2013

Information for Law Firms page updated with important reminders.


Updated Form

May 14, 2013

New Fillable PDF files posted: Certification for Compensation Form.

Messages from the Special Master

来自专案助理 Sheila Birnbaum的讯息 - VCF 计划更新

April 8, 2013

在2012年12月18日,我在本网站发布了一则消息,这则消息传递了有关索赔审查过程和协助VCF尽可 能高效率地处理您的索赔的秘诀的非常重要的信息。请点击这里,阅读完整的讯息。  
作为这则消息的一部分,我解释过, VCF 的审查过程就会开始,如果 VCF 都收到了您的《资格表》,经 签署的证明书,认证书,和附件的原件, 使我们能够从其他机构提取有关您的索赔资料。许多组织要求 我们提供签名的原件,因此,您必须通过邮递向VCF提交这些文件。如果您在线提交索赔,同时,上传 了这些文件的副本,在有效地审查您的索赔前,我们仍然需要收到这些经签署文件的原件。 
截至 2013 年 4 月 5 日,我们收到的有超过 2,770 份《资格表》》,是没有附上与之相关的证明 书,认证书 ,和 / 或附物的原件。这些索赔不可能得到充分的审阅,直到我们收到一整套完整文件。 如果您提交了 《资格表》,尚未邮寄这些证明文件,我建议您立刻去办理。如果您对需要什么文件有疑问, 或需要VCF提供收到您的索赔文件的确认,请联系我们的免费援助热线:1-855-8851555。听力障碍人士,请联系1-855-885-1558 (TDD)。如果您从美国境外来电,请拨打1-202-3530356。 ****************  

Messages from the Special Master

Komunikat od Special Master, Sheila Birnbaum – Aktualizacja dotycząca programu VCF

April 8, 2013

W dniu 18 grudnia 2012 roku w tej witrynie internetowej opublikowałam bardzo ważne informacje dotyczące procesu rozpatrywania wniosków oraz wskazówki dotyczące umożliwienia VCF rozparzenia wniosków w jak najszybszym terminie. Aby przeczytać cały komunikat, proszę kliknąć tutaj.  

Messages from the Special Master

Un mensaje de la Auxiliar Judicial, Sheila Birnbaum – Actualización del Programa VC

April 8, 2013

El 18 de diciembre de 2012 publiqué en este sitio web un mensaje con información  importante sobre el proceso de análisis de reclamos y sugerencias que ayudarían al VCF a procesar los reclamos de la manera más eficaz posible. Haga clic aquí si desea leer el mensaje completo.  

Messages from the Special Master

A Message from Special Master Sheila Birnbaum - VCF Program Update

April 8, 2013

On December 18, 2012, I posted to this website a message with very important information on the claim review process and tips for helping the VCF to process your claim as efficiently as possible.


FAQ Update

February 1, 2013

New FAQ Posted: 11.9 What is meant by the “Primary Attorney” designation on the claim form? Can other attorneys or staff from our law firm be listed as authorized representatives on a single claim?