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Message from the Special Master of the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund

September 11, 2024

As we commemorate the 23rd anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the United States on September 11th, we reflect on the profound loss and the enduring impact that day has had.  While the resilience and collective healing within the 9/11 community are a paragon of strength and bravery, far too many individuals and families continue to suffer from the long-term health effects of these attacks. 

Over the past year alone, the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF) has decided more than 12,000 new and amended claims, bringing the total number of claimants to over 62,000.   And while we are gratified to report that since reopening in 2011, the VCF has distributed approximately $14.2 billion in compensation, we are also keenly aware of declining health in the 9/11 community, with cancer diagnoses on the rise, and, tragically, a death toll that now far exceeds the number of lives lost on that day 23 years ago.  Acknowledging that our progress is a testament to our commitment and to the advocacy of the 9/11 community, it also highlights the urgent need to inform the public about the VCF and to ensure that every individual who may be eligible for VCF compensation is aware of the program and has the resources and support they need to register and file a claim.   

We are actively working to close this awareness gap and have extended our outreach efforts significantly. Our team has been forging relationships with important stakeholders, such as businesses, community organizations, elected officials, government agencies, advocacy groups, and unions. We have been partnering with our colleagues at the World Trade Center Health Program (WTC Health Program) and the National September 11 Memorial and Museum to create as many opportunities as possible to provide information and educate  a wide range of people about the compensation available from the VCF and the healthcare from the health program.  But we also hope to build an informal network of ambassadors who can amplify our message. We ask anyone who is reading this message to think about the people you may know – family, friends, work colleagues, community members, and those in your faith community – and ask, were they present in the New York City Exposure Zone, the Pentagon site, or the Shanksville, PA site during the eligible time periods?  Might they be eligible for compensation from the VCF?  Might this information help them? To find the resources you need to share this information with your community, visit www.vcf.gov/outreach. We want to build this vital people network, and you can play a pivotal role. 

The VCF Transformation project is centered around the development of a new claims management system called myVCF. myVCF will reduce the time it takes to issue awards with a  modern, victim-centric claims solution supported by new and efficient business processes, automation, and a dynamic operating model. We envision a new claims experience that reinvents our work flow, technical platform, and training protocols, with self-service options and process transparency. Building and implementing a system such as myVCF within the Federal Government is complicated, and I am committed to deploying myVCF only when it delivers the functionality needed to better serve the 9/11 community. 

After joining the VCF in March of 2023, I was happy to discover I would be leading an empathetic organization whose employees were mission driven and claimant focused. I also saw that the team needed tools to enhance their work with claimants, including the skills and resources to help them handle the devastating effects of the attacks that they read or hear about every day. I am committed to making the VCF a trauma-informed organization that reviews claims with an understanding of the profound emotional impacts this community faces and that supports our employees. Our mission is to faithfully serve the 9/11 community for decades to come, and we are building a strong foundation upon which to do so. 

Each day, and especially today, we honor the strength and resilience of both the victims of the horrendous, cowardly actions of the terrorists on 9/11, and those who continue to be impacted by their actions. The courage of the 9/11 community inspires us to continue our mission, ensuring that everyone who is eligible receives the compensation to which they are entitled.  It is an honor to lead the VCF team in this work, and to be in service to this incredible community.

If you have questions about the VCF claims process, I encourage you to call our toll-free Helpline at 1-855-885-1555 or visit www.vcf.gov. For the hearing impaired, please call 1-855-885-1558 (TDD). If you are calling from outside the United States, please call 1-202-514-1100.


Allison Signature
Allison Turkel
Special Master
9/11 Victim Compensation Fund