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1.5 ¿Cómo puedo añadir o cambiar el abogado en mi reclamo?

April 7, 2021

Para añadir, cambiar o eliminar un abogado de su reclamo, siga las instrucciones del  Formulario de Cambio de Abogado  y suba a su reclamo en línea el formulario completo y firmado. Una vez el VCF recibe el formulario completo con todos los documentos requeridos, haremos las actualizaciones pertinentes a su reclamo, incluyendo quién recibe correspondencia y quién puede acceder al reclamo en línea.


1.4 ¿Necesito un abogado para presentar un reclamo?

April 7, 2021

No, usted no necesita un abogado para presentar un reclamo con el VCF, y no se le da prioridad a los reclamos que son presentado a través de abogado sobre los reclamos presentados sin abogados. Nosotros evaluamos todos los reclamos siguiendo las mismas guías y calculando los reclamos con la misma metodología, sin importar que un abogado esta asistiendo con el reclamo. Tenemos varios recursos disponibles para asistir a los individuos a presentar su reclamo, incluyendo la línea de llamada que es libre de costo con representantes bilingües, e interpretes para cualquier idioma.


3.2 Does the VCF receive copies of my medical records from the WTC Health Program? Do I need to submit them with my claim?

April 7, 2021

The VCF does not receive copies of your medical records as part of our information-sharing agreement with the WTC Health Program.  The WTC Health Program only provides the VCF with information that is used to determine whether you have an eligible, certified condition.  The information we receive from the WTC Health Program includes the name of the condition, the WTC Health Program category under which the condition falls (for example, Cancer or Upper Respiratory Disorder), and the associated medical diagnosis code.  If the WTC Health Program notifies us that you have been certified


3.1 Is the WTC Health Program part of the VCF?

April 7, 2021

No, the VCF and the WTC Health Program are two separate programs, each of which has its own registration process, eligibility criteria, and mission. The WTC Health Program is administered by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and provides medical monitoring and treatment for responders to the WTC and related sites in New York City, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, PA; and for survivors who were in the WTC Health Program’s New York City Disaster Area during the required timeframe.


1.10 Can I pursue a claim with both the VCF and the U.S. Victims of State Sponsored Terrorism Fund (“USVSST Fund”)?

April 7, 2021

Yes, however, the VCF is required by law to offset any benefit paid by other collateral sources relating to the 9/11 attacks. As a result, USVSST Fund payments made to victims who are also eligible for compensation from the VCF, will be subject to offset by the VCF. To be clear, the VCF is required to offset USVSST Fund payments made on account of 9/11-related injuries to the same victim.

For more information, refer to Section 3.9 of the VCF’s Policies and Procedures.


1.5 How do I add or change the attorney on my claim?

April 7, 2021

To add, change, or remove the attorney on your claim, follow the instructions on the Change of Attorney Form and upload the completed and signed form to your claim.  Once the VCF receives the completed form and any required documents, we will make the appropriate updates to your claim, including who receives correspondence and who is able to access the claim online.


1.4 Do I need a lawyer to file a claim?

April 7, 2021

No, you do not need an attorney to file a VCF claim, and there is no priority given to claims submitted by an attorney over those without an attorney.  We evaluate all claims following the same guidelines and calculate all awards using the same methodology, regardless of whether an attorney is assisting with the claim.


February 2021 Monthly Statistics Report

March 5, 2021
Statistics as of February 28, 2021.
Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Special Master - Ninth Annual Status Report

February 16, 2021

While it is impossible to review the past year without mention of the enormous challenges presented by COVID-19, and its particularly severe impact on the 9/11 community, I am proud to report that the VCF’s work on their behalf continued with almost no disruption throughout 2020.


Ninth Annual Status Report

February 16, 2021
Ninth Annual Status Report - activity as of December 31, 2020.
Associated Document:

January 2021 Monthly Statistics Report

February 9, 2021
Statistics as of January 31, 2021.

December 2020 Monthly Statistics Report

January 11, 2021
Statistics as of December 31, 2020.

Email - VCF Website Update - January 2021

January 5, 2021

Email - VCF Website Update - January 5, 2021

Messages from the Special Master

Message from the Special Master on the Tenth Anniversary of the Signing of the Zadroga Act

January 4, 2021
Ten years ago, on January 2, 2011, President Obama signed into law the James Zadroga 9/11 Health and Compensation Act of 2010, which established the World Trade Center Health Program and reactivated the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund (VCF).
Messages from the Special Master

A message from Special Master Sheila Birnbaum - VCF Program Update

October 23, 2013

October 3, 2013 was an important registration deadline for the September 11th Victim Compensation Fund. Anyone who was diagnosed with a 9/11-related condition on or before October 3, 2011 for which they intend to seek compensation from the VCF must have registered with the Fund by the October 3, 2013 deadline.


Important Reminders for Law Firms

October 23, 2013

Updated important reminders for law firms (originally posted on June 17, 2013).


Compensation Decisions

October 1, 2013
This weekly report provides general information regarding each individual award determination issued by the VCF.
Associated Document:

Exhibit E

October 1, 2013
Notice of Filing for Deceased Individuals
Associated Document:

Exhibit A - Deceased Individuals

October 1, 2013
Authorization for release of medical records. Exhibit A must be mailed to the VCF with original signatures.
Associated Document:

Exhibit A

October 1, 2013
Authorization for release of medical records. Exhibit A must be mailed to the VCF with original signatures.
Associated Document:

CMS Enhancements

September 11, 2013

Information for Law Firms page updated with important information regarding enhancements to the Claims Management System.